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All Hands on Deck: Let the Spirit Lead You
St. Peter's 2024 Stewardship Campaign

In 2023 we introduced All Hands on Deck, a rallying call during stewardship season to celebrate the gifts that members bring to St. Peter’s in time, talent and treasure. Many thanks to all who pledged and donated during the 2023 campaign. For our 2024 campaign, All Hands on Deck returns, asking you to prayerfully consider what treasures you can give.


You can make or adjust pledges online HERE at any time.  Your actual financial contributions can be dropped in the collection plate throughout the year, or can be arranged HERE with St. Peter's secure giving.


Answer the call of All Hands on Deck: Let the spirit lead you!

  • Make a financial pledge for 2024 HERE

  • Sing along to the All Hands on Deck Theme Song HERE.

  • Keep up with our stewardship campaign by visiting this web page and our Facebook page.

2024 Time & Talent Showcase

The return of All Hands On Deck means the return of our Time and Talent Showcases, which celebrate the gifts of St. Peter's parishioners. Click the icons below to watch this year's Time and Talent Showcase videos.


Stewardship Reflections:

Bob Hartung: Stewardship Kick off- October 22, 2023

"God has loaned us what we know as St. Peter's , the building, the God's glory...We enter this season thinking about how our giivng of our treasure has felt and how our giving will look in the future."

Mike Reeve: October 29, 2023

"We both feel those same feelings here at St. Peters. So again, as you consider your pledge this year, instead of setting a goal, we’re asking you to think about what this place means to you..." Use the link here to read or watch Mike's full reflection.

Mark Evans: November 5, 2023

"...Justice, equity, kindness and redemption are needed throughout our world, for these reasons I believe it is critical for all of us to pledge our time our talents and our treasure..." Use the link above to watch Mark's full reflection.

Suzanne Teleha: November 12, 2023

"I'm not Diana Ross ... I don't look good in sequins, and I'm not a singer but I'm a really good Supreme. I'm a backup singer. I'm the support staff; it's what I've always done."Use the link above watch Suzanne's full reflection.

Matt Torpey: November 19, 2023

"...This church gave me the one thing I really church really allowed me to receive...and become closer to God and reflect on how I wanted to support this community..." Use the link above to watch Matt's full reflection.

Time and Talent showcase Bill Hower
Time and Talent showcase Suzanne Teleha
Time and Talent showcase Debbie DeKalb
All Hands on Deck Let the Spirit Lead You (60 x 32 in) (1).png
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