Children and Youth

St. Peter's offers a number of ways for our children and teens to develop and deepen their understanding of God.
Church School is offered during the first part of our 10 a.m. service during the school year. We have dedicated volunteers who teach our children using the Godly Play curriculum. Godly Play is a drop-in program where you sign your child in each Sunday before the service starts. and they rejoin you and the congregation in the pews in time for sharing the Peace and the Eucharist.
"Come 4th Sunday" is held on the fourth Sunday of the month during the school year. On this day we offer a special Children’s Service in which children and their families participate in the entire service which has been especially created and prepared for them.
Youth and Teen Gatherings are held Sunday evenings twice a month during the school year.
Other Events - In addition to our regular programs, special events for and engaging our young are held throughout the year. Children and youth help with our service projects, and our teens prepare the food for our annual Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper. This Spring the children participated in Bread Day, where they made bread and learned more about communion; they also made stoles and participated in Awesome Communion Sunday. Watch our EVENTS page for announcements about upcoming special opportunities.
A Soft Space for the Littlest Ones
We have a carpeted "Soft Space" on the right side of the Nave in front of the first pew with pillows and soft toys and coloring pages. Families with infants or toddlers are invited to sit here so the children can move around and play during the service. Wiggles are welcome!
Godly Play (Preschool Through Fifth Grade)
Godly Play is a Montessori-based method of Christian formation and spiritual direction for children based upon the recognition that children have an innate sense of the presence of God. What they need is the appropriate language to help them identify and express it so it can be explored and strengthened. Godly Play teaches the art of using Christian language—parable, sacred story, silence and liturgical action—in a way that involves the creative process and all the child’s senses as a means to know God and to make meaning in their lives. A Godly Play worship experience invites the children into the liturgical rhythm of greeting, storytelling, response, prayer, feast and sending out. In the Godly Play room, we are surrounded with materials that help us discover the whole story of God.
Come 4th Sunday
Our children, youth and families are invited to “come forth” to take on new roles in worship in our Come 4th Sunday liturgy, on the fourth Sunday of each month. On Come 4th Sunday, everyone stays in church rather than be dismissed for children’s programs. Songs are simple and upbeat so that all can sing without reading music. Special scripture translations and prayers allow children to serve as lectors and lead the prayers of the people. Entire families can help usher, take the collection and bring up the gifts. Come 4th Sunday is a liturgy for everyone, inviting our children, youth and families to “come forth” to share their gifts.
Come 4th Sunday is also a time when we welcome and introduce new members with a special Litany of Welcome.
Youth and Teen Second Sunday Gatherings
Youth and teens are invited to meet with Rev. Barb for a simple dinner and fun activities at the church on the second Sunday of the month throughout the program year. Watch the Events page for specific details on each of these gatherings.