You can view our complete calendar HERE for all scheduled events and activities.
Now through the end of the month - SOULS SHOT Exhibition 2025
Click HERE for details.
Now through February 2 - "Mitten Tree" Collection
St. Peter’s Community Partnerships Committee is collecting mittens, hats and scarves for those in need this winter. Donations will be accepted until February 2. Please place your donations (handmade or store-bought) in the blue “Mitten Box" located on the ramp outside the sanctuary.
Sunday, January 12 - ECS Sunday
Episcopal Community Services chaplain Kyle Evans will join us for our yearly ECS Sunday on Jan. 12. She will preach during the 10 a.m. service. Following worship, she will share information about future ECS projects and goals during the Adult Forum.
Sunday, January 12 - Second Sunday Youth Night
Our monthly Second Sunday Youth Night for youth and teens is this Sunday from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. We plan to have sandwiches for dinner, view the Souls Shot exhibition in the church and make a processional cross together that can be used for Come 4th Sunday and other liturgies. It will be a thoughtful and age-appropriate discussion and reflective project. If your children are coming, please contact Rev. Barb ( so we can plan for food.
Wednesday, January 15 - Lunch Club
The next Lunch Club will meet on January 15 at 11:00 a.m. Dr. Richard Lorraine from the Montgomery County Office of Public Health and Human Services will join us after lunch to discuss adult vaccines. To RSVP, contact Kate Boyce at
Sunday, January 26 - Annual Meeting and Election of New Vestry Members
Our annual meeting will take place following the morning service. We will vote on next year's vestry nominees and review the annual report, as we enjoy a luncheon organized by our kitchen coordinators. Click HERE to read Rev. Barb's Rector's Note from last year on the importance of our annual meetings and vestry members for our congregation. Click HERE to access the slate of 2025 vestry candidates.
Sunday, February 2 - Adult Forum - Humor is the Best Medicine
Following morning worship, Dr. Joel Schwartz will lead us in a discussion on the physical and emotional benefits of humor and how to apply it to our life, education, work and relationships.
Saturday, February 8 - Annual Red Cross Blood Drive
The "give a pint, get a pint" blood drive returns to St. Peter's on Saturday, February 8 from 9 am to 2 pm. Here is your chance to be a lifesaver AND also get some great "thank you"s. This year our "thank you pints" are beer from the Glenside Pub, ice cream from Sprinkles in Elkins Park and soup from Giuliano's Deli in Glenside. In addition, the Red Cross is offering $15 e-gift cards from a variety of merchants. Click HERE to make an appointment. For more information contact Kate Boyce ( Visit the Red Cross website to read the eligibility criteria.
Saturday, February 8 - St. Peter's Peeps Annual Retreat
The St. Peter's Peeps, which is open to all who identify as female, is hosting its annual retreat on Feb. 8 at Cranaleith Spiritual Center in Northeast Philly from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. The cost is $55, which includes lunch. The Rev. Mary McCullough will facilitate this retreat, focused on peace and hope. To RVSP your spot, please contact Anne Gibson at or Debbie DeKalb at
Saturday, February 22 - Trivia Night
Enjoy a night of teamwork and educated guessing, on multiple categories from music to sports. Sign your team up to win amazing prizes. Pick a theme and look the part! Bring your own snacks and drinks (alcohol limited to beer and wine only). Mark your calendars and make sure to secure your teams' table at this event. The costs are $20 per person or $150 per table. Proceeds will go toward growing our church ministries. Click HERE to register your team. If you have any questions, please contact the event organizer, Tim Voit at