Fellowship and Fun
We love to have fun and be together at St. Peter's! And like most Episcopalians, this often involves eating and drinking. In addition to the regular opportunities for fellowship described below, there are other special events held throughout the year. Some of these include: Trivia Night, Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper and Talent Show, and picnics held at a local park. We welcome friends and family to enjoy these fun gatherings with us. Watch our Home and Events pages for information on these events as they approach.
Sunday Fellowship
Fellowship Hour in the Parish Hall after the 10 a.m. service on Sunday mornings is a great way to get to know our members better, and for us to get to know you. Refreshments typically include coffee, lemonade and tea and light snacks such as baked goods, fruit, cheese, or other finger foods.
Our dedicated team of volunteer fellowship hosts take joy in welcoming others, providing food, and serving. Being a host is a great way to introduce yourself to those you do not know well and to welcome visitors to our church. If becoming a host sounds appealing, or you would just like more information, contact Suzanne Teleha at steleha@gmail.com or Deborah Way at djway0602@aol.com. You can also use the link here to sign up to become a host.
Lunch Club
On the third Wednesday of each month, we provide a luncheon in St. Peter's Parish Hall for senior citizens in our parish as well as the community. Most months we have a speaker, special program or entertainment. In the past we have had the Elmwood Zoo Traveling program, Abington High School Elite Chorus, Sing-alongs, etc. ALL ARE WELCOME as long as you RSVP the week before our luncheon. If you have questions or would like to RSVP, please contact Sue Gordon at gsgordon115@comcast.net.
St. Peter's Peeps
Sunday mornings often do not provide enough time to talk with others on a deeper, more spiritual level. Historically, St. Peter's Peeps has gathered, usually over a meal, to spend more time getting to know one another, developing stronger bonds with each other and the group as a whole. We support and love each other. All at St. Peter’s are welcome to come to our dinners, our retreat weekend, and other occasional events. Friends are also welcome. Just bring your love of St. Peter’s and all its members, your willingness to accept all for who they are, and participate as you are able. Watch the Events page for information on our upcoming get-togethers.