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Guatemala Companion Parishes

Since 2003 St. Peter’s Church has maintained a very special relationship with five small congregations in the Northeast area of Guatemala. St. Peter’s members who have visited our beloved companions have found these pilgrimages to be inspiring and life-changing adventures.

In addition to visits and communication through Whats App, Zoom, and email, the companion relationship involves the following aspects:


  • Scholarship Program in which children receive partial scholarships making it possible for their families to keep them in school. Some of our earlier scholarship recipients are now in post high school education programs!

  • Medical Emergency Fund provided to the clergy in our companion parishes to use at their discretion to help parishioners who have no medical insurance and serious medical needs.

  • Water Filtration Project to help provide safe drinking water to families

  • Guatemalan Craft sales are held periodically which provide income to the St. Peter’s Companion Parish Committee for special needs. 

  • Regular prayer for one another. We also keep each other informed and commit to praying for each other during particularly difficult times. 

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