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The Food Cupboard: Helping Fill Gaps in the Community

St. Peter's Episcopal Church

Updated: May 9, 2024

During the summer, children and even more adults may be home enjoying the sun's rays. While vacation is often the highlight of the warm weather, there is a jarring reality that many families will face —food insecurity.

With so many changes to public assistance, such as reducing Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and increasing the cost of groceries , families are feeling the economic strain. In 2020, food banks nationwide distributed six billion meals to people facing hunger, and during the pandemic, 4 in 10 of those people were using a pantry for the first time. [1]

Despite being one of the wealthiest counties in Pennsylvania, there is still a significant need for food to combat hunger in Montgomery County.

While people seem have adjusted to the post-Covid era, the effects of hunger preceding and during the pandemic remain prevalent and are growing. Food banks across the country are serving 55 percent more people now than before the pandemic, according to Feeding America. So, what can you do to help?

What the Food cupboard provides:

The St. Peter’s Food Cupboard offers nonperishables: canned fruit, vegetables, proteins, toiletries, etc. All our items come from the generous donations of the community both inside and outside of the church. Donations are welcome during Sunday service and during the food cupboard operating hours.

The doors of the cupboard are open from 8 a.m.- 6p.m., so people can come and take what they need all day. The St. Peter’s food cupboard understands that it is not always easy for people to admit they need help, so we provide flexible access for people to help themselves without question.

The Future of the Food Cupboard:

The Food cupboard has been operating for almost five years, and at times the pantry is fully stocked with a variety of canned and packaged goods, but other times the shelves are empty or full of the same product. The goal is to serve the community, satisfying their needs with quality donations. The desire to serve comes with improvements. Such changes in the future may include a community fridge that would allow access to perishable foods like produce and dairy.

Giving goes beyond the food cupboard and sends a message to the public that "St. Peter's cares." Currently, Audrey Kipphut and Rick DeKalb help organize and stock products, but they are always looking for more help.

While it's difficult to quantify how much goes out during the week, steady outgo of our donations are a measure of a greater need.

If you would like to make donations, either food or time, contact St. Peter's Episcopal Church at or 215-887-1765.

Below you will find a list of items that are in high demand at our food pantry. Thank you for your generous support.


canned chicken

canned tuna

canned beef/stew


spaghetti sauce

peanut butter & jelly

canned fruit cereal/oatmeal

Spaghetti-O-type meals

Canned corn

Canned mixed vegetables

Coffee and tea



Personal care items

Household soaps and cleaners

(We currently have an overstock of chickpeas)



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