Although the Warm Campaign has concluded, you are welcome to continue making regular payments to the Warm Regards Campaign as part of our new dedicated capital improvement fund. Use the button below to donate today
An overview of the Warm Regards Campaign
Frank and Ernest would be proud! In February of 2023, when we realized we needed to replace our aged heating system, we knew we were facing one of the largest capital improvements we’d had in a long time. The $150,000 price tag seemed daunting, while a few cold Sundays with little heat reminded us how urgent the repair would be.
So, we embarked on our two-year Warm Regards Campaign to raise the funds for the project with a combination of a $41,000 diocesan grant, individual contributions, and fundraisers. As initial bills rolled in we planned to pay them from our reserves with the goal of replenishing those funds from campaign income. We gave ourselves a deadline of May 2025 to cover the full cost of the boiler replacement, which in the end totaled a little over $153,000